3 privacy videos worth watching

September 6, 2007 at 7:48 pm 1 comment

A colleague asked me to have a look at the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) website. They sure have a long list of issues… and a very long list of things they want people to take action about.

Anyhow, they have three good videos on privacy.

The first is one of my all-time favourites about ordering a pizza. I use this quite often in my own presentations about identity and privacy. Whenever I’ve played it, people have always reacted positively so it’s definitely worth watching.

The second one features three Middle Eastern-American comedians and has some really funny scenes about their experiences with flying.

The third and final one is about the Adventures of Average Joe. It’s short but sharp.

After watching these, I’m reminded of the power of multimedia over plain words and static slides to convey a message effectively.

Entry filed under: government, identity, ID_cards, personal_info, privacy, security, strategy, trust, USA, video.

California bans chipping employees Malware off the shelf, malware as a service

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. becs027  |  September 9, 2007 at 3:20 pm

    These are great.

    As well as the loss of privacy, these (esp Average Jo) also highlight how much power systems like those in the vids give individuals over other individuals.

    As in, some official only has to be having a bad day or not like you to make your life fairly unpleasant. It’s all about recording and reusing subjective judgements about other people! ;(


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